The project included the addition of an off-road, 10-foot wide, two-directional shared use path with 3-foot shoulders and safety fencing along 250 linear feet of MD Route 51. The task required stormwater management quality and quantity control. Mercado’s design plans utilized permeable pavement, which provides water quality benefits by reducing the impervious cover and water quantity reduction by reducing runoff. These plans included any signing and pavement marking needed. This project included obtaining the proper approvals from Highway Hydraulics Division (HHD) and MDE for stormwater management and erosion and sediment control plans. Mercado prepared erosion and sediment control plans, notes and details, including any stream diversions. We also provided plans to extend the existing pipe culvert crossings.
Roadway rehabilitation and widening required in conjunction with bridge replacement, including design of horizontal and vertical geometry, roadway geometrics for the interchange and ramps, traffic control plans for staged construction, and signing and pavement marking plans. Project required the design and coordination with multiple commercial property entrances/exits for MOT and reconstruction.
Prepared construction documents to reconstruct the approaches for a bridge replacement and widening project along the Prettyboy Reservoir. Roadway design required super elevation that was coordinated with the bridge design to provide a plane section along the length of the structure. Two stage Erosion and Sediment Control was required to maintain stream flow under the bridge. The use of a barrier system was selected due to low volumes. SWM was provided off site due to constraints adjacent to the bridge. Our office worked closely with Baltimore City Surface Water Division to determine the best alternate for SWM.
Field reviews were completed for each bus stop and pedestrian corridors were reviewed for ADA compliance. Base mapping for each site was updated based on field visits and included relevant signs, trees, utilities and sidewalk and entrance features. Based on this information and a list of requested improvements from the County (shelter, bench, etc.) a site plan with a proposed ADA compliant bus stop was created for each location.
Our office also provided Construction Inspection for the construction of these and other bus stops in the County.
Provided design of roadway approaches including modifications to vertical profile. Design included widening of the roadway to meet county bicycle master plans.
Bridge replacement projects in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and North and South Carolinas.
Finalized the PI Design for additional turn lanes on a ramp from EB I-70 onto MD 75. The task included development of roadway plans, MOT, E&S and pavement marking and signing plans.
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