
Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA)

Statewide, Maryland

We are teamed with several firms performing surveys for on-call contracts with the Plats and Surveys Division, Highway and Hydraulics Design Divisions and various District offices. Mercado Consultants, Inc. survey department provides GPS and conventional control, topographic mapping, utility locations, storm water facility as-built surveys, right of way surveys and plats, stream cross sections and construction stakeout surveys throughout the state.

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC)

Montgomery & Prince Georges Counties, Maryland

Mercado Consultants’ survey department has performed over 100 miles of topographic surveys along streets and highways to support the design of various watermain replacement and rehabilitation projects in the WSSC service area. Projects also included topographic and right-of-way surveys for large water meter replacements, construction stakeout and GIS based facility locations.

Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project – Silver Line (WMATA/MWAA)

Washington, DC & Virginia

The Dulles Metrorail or Silver Line Project is a 23-mile extension of the DC Metrorail to Washington Dulles International Airport. Mercado Consultants’ survey department is responsible for reviewing and verifying contractor survey quality control including review of control and stakeout plans and methodology; field verification of original WMATA and contractor reset control monuments; and performing field as-built surveys to verify rail, tunnel and station alignments.

Purple Line Project (MTA)

Montgomery & Prince Georges Counties, Maryland

The Purple Line Project is a 16-mile light rail line that will run from the Bethesda to New Carrollton Metro stations. Mercado Consultants’ survey department provided GPS based ground control and leveling for new aerial mapping of the entire corridor; right-of-way surveys, plats, stakeout and expert witness testimony for the Montgomery County portion; right-of-way acquisition support for the entire corridor; and various supplemental topographic surveys.

Pope Branch Stream Restoration (DC Water & DDOE)

Washington, DC

The Pope Branch Stream Restoration Project is a partnership between DC Water, the District Department of the Environment and the District Department of Parks and Recreation to reduce storm water pollutants, address sewer rehabilitation needs, restore the stream and provide a nature trail. Mercado Consultants’ survey department provided approximately 80 acres of aerial mapping; field surveys of trees, wetlands, storm and sewer as-builts; property limits; and an as-built of approximately 4,800 linear feet of stream restoration construction consisting of step pools, check dams, new trails and various infrastructure improvements.

Contee Road Realignment and Reconstruction (Prince Georges DPW&T)

Laurel, Maryland

The Contee Road Realignment and Reconstruction Project realigned Contee Road from US Route 1 to Konterra Drive, providing a connection to the new I-95 and Konterra Road Interchange. Mercado Consultants’ survey department provided GPS based ground control and leveling for the project, topographic mapping and utility locations, storm water facility as-built surveys, right of way surveys and plats, construction stakeout, and construction phase services.

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