Bridge and roadway design to replace two existing culverts with 100% pre-cast unit bridges. The project involved a compressed roadway closure allowing a construction phase of two months.
Provided engineering services from preliminary through final development of plans, with foundation and structural design and PS&E submittals for the replacement of a failed culvert in Prince George’s County.
Designed and developed complete contract documents for the construction of a cast-in-place retaining wall to support a proposed roadway. The tall wall was designed on spread footings founded in native soils while supporting a tall fill. The wall design incorporated an architectural finish, a fence and accommodated the passage of utilities through the footing area.
Designed MSE retaining walls with moment slabs supporting the roadway barrier and a noise barrier wall supported on top of a post and panel retaining wall for a new on-ramp from US-1 to I-695. Designs coordinated with existing features including existing walls.
Bridge replacement projects in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and North and South Carolinas.
Design of five arches carrying vehicular traffic on US Route 1, and carrying pedestrian and equestrian traffic on a lower level. This project consisted of raising the roadway alignment while maintaining traffic and river flow at all times.
This project was awarded the ASCE Most Outstanding Achievement Award and the Maryland Society of Professional Engineering Outstanding Engineering Achievement.
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