ProjectsWater & Sewer Engineering

New Hampshire Ave Water Main Replacement (WSSC)

Montgomery County, Maryland
Design and development of contract documents for the replacement of a 16″ water main through local and residential areas.

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Decree (WSSC)

Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties, Maryland

Part of the design team for WSSC’s sewer repair consent decree for sites in environmentally sensitive areas.

Blue Plains Treatment Plant (DC Water)

Washington, DC

Provided water and sewer engineering and surveying services for a new filtrate treatment facility. Project consisted of overall site design including grading, SWM, E&S, relocation of existing storm water piping, and coordination with the design of other utilities.

Water & Sewer Relocation BOA (WSSC)

Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties, Maryland

Development of construction documents for the replacement of meter vaults throughout WSSC’s service area.

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